Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam is Dead

Saddam Hussain was executed at 6 am Iraqi timing.But nothing changed in Iraq.Also view this article

What People are saying about Saddam being Hanged :

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 11:18 GMT 11:18 UK
I fail to understand how/why there is so little revealed about the trial of Saddam Hussein. Even though I am a Shiya Muslim,I can not call this a fair trial when the people who tried him are corrupt. Can someone tell me why each and every president of the US should not also be hanged? Ronald Raigon for his crimes in Nicaragua? Bush/Blair for the countless lives under their belt, Israeli leaders?....Shame on the muslims for letting it come to this.
It's a sick world we live in..a "western" world
-Anwar Hussain, Baghdad

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 09:08 GMT 09:08 UK
This was not done for Iraq or Iraqies, the hanging was Americas way of saying to the dictators around the world "do as we tell you, not as you think, we own your country and all its wealth or you will end up like saddam". Saddam was evil and commited crimes against his people and others, we have no time for him but Iraq today is 1000% worse than it ever was under Saddam, this should be a wake up call that what America will bring is only Death and Distruction.
-Hasan, Rawa Iraq

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 07:45 GMT 07:45 UK
Now I wonder American President Bush hails the death of Saddam Hussain as a victory to the humanity. Bu has he ever thought of the death of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians killed by his troops under occupation. Who is going to be hanged for those crimes. Does Bush has any record on those killings.
Edison, Rome

The Americans invasion of Iraq and murder of Saddam is a perversion of any notion of justice and is a crime against humanity.

Bush and Blair should be held to account in the same manner.

God willing.
Philip, Glasgow

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 10:09 GMT 10:09 UK
Margaret Beckett has given a typical politician's response to the news of Saddam's execution... but I think she, and other British Government ministers, should have the moral courage to acknowledge that Saddam's trial was not conducted fairly and that execution can never be justified no matter what the crime committed.

The world may be better off without this man but that does not justify state-sanctioned murder.
Jeff Buck, Nottingham

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 09:19 GMT 09:19 UK
The death of Saddam Hussein should not be celebrated. I judge from his reactions shown on television, and through his defence lawyer that he finally accepted the concequences of his actions. Since the downfall of Saddam, the people have been violent and the majority do not welcome democracy. Im not for the death penalty, George Bush and Tony Blair are now just as guilty as he is, as many innocent people have been killed for a war that was not sanctioned. They should also be held accountable.
Christopher Kirby, Aldershot

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 11:05 GMT 11:05 UK
This form of punishment is barbaric. It shows the new government of Iraq & USA are no different to Saddam or his regiem. In order for people to live together you have to have tolerance there could have been a much more constructive punishment. He has not been held to account for all the other attrocities he committed. We don't condone it in England so how can we anywhere else? I fear Blair is dragging us into a much more sinister 2007.
Ruth Smoker, New Forest

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 11:49 GMT 11:49 UK
Putting someone to death – whether murder, judicial fiat, war or what ever – is morally reprehensible. Was Saddam a bad person? Perhaps. Did anyone have the right to kill him…certainly not. Is the “world a better place?” Decidedly not.

All we do is stoop to the level of the lowest common denominator, which mind you is where Mr. Bush seems to reside.

Next stop the gutter?
Ben, California

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 09:12 GMT 09:12 UK
is it really a punishment or simply a revenge?
'a milestone on the road to democracy' or rather to more atrocities and chaos? will ignorant bush understand that it's violence that causes violence? death of one man won't change the situation in iraq;furthermore, who gave us right to kill others-hanging him we've proved to be as wicked and wretched as he was
simon, poland

Added: Saturday, 30 December, 2006, 11:21 GMT 11:21 UK
It sounds to me like: "We can penetrate to your country whenever we want and sentence your leader to death penalty front a fake court, execute him quick but set so called democracy slowly for a price of a few hunderd ordinary lives per day.."
One way or other around 650.000 Iraqian died since the occupation, since US&UK ignored the very sensitive dynamics of Middle East. We'll celebrate new year on "thin ice".
I have so much antipathy towards Saddam. Misery is, now he became a heroic victim.
Cuneyt Guzes, Istanbul

You will find these responses at BBC

People keep saying and showing the pics of Happy Iraqis enjoying and dancing on knowing that Saddam was dead (here is the proof).But does it justify the killing of a person?How many people wont jump and party when they come to know that suppose Bush is dead? Many not only in Iraq but all over the world.Does it mean that Bush should be killed?